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poneke sramotne ,,cinjenice,, u zeitgeistu

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Порука  Sveto Pravoslavlje 10th July 2010, 06:28

Summer White
- Još jedan pokušaj da se obezvredi osoba Isusa Hrista...

Način na koji branimo naša biblijska učenja se menja. Kao generacija kojoj se kaže da je nemoguće nešto zasigurno da se zna, jedan od nedavno lansiranih napada na hrišćanstvo, briljantno se odomaćio kod mojih mnogih prijatelja. Ako niste upoznati s filmom Zeitgeist onda je vreme da se sa istim upoznate, jer se širi kao zaraza preko Interneta (YouTube, Google Video), širi se po srednjim školama i učeničkim domovima, i drsko će pobijati vašu veru na jedan potpuno novi način.

U prvih 37 minuta ovog filma opovrgava se i izruguje sve što je "sveto" hrišćanstvu. Premda je ovaj napad slabašan, tj. tvrdnje "ne drže vodu", i vrlo bi malo ovlaštenih stručnjaka iz područja mitologije ili istorije religije potvrdilo na bilo koji način njihovu verodostojnost. Ipak, jednostavnost i gorljivost ovog filma da potpuno uništi Boga iz Biblije počela je da zanosi i opija zaista previše (mladih) ljudi.

Zeitgeist, pretpostavka je jednostavna i daleko od toga da se radi o nečem novom: Biblija je zbirka ili plagijat starih paganskih mitova koje su ljudi već posedovali mnogo godina pre Hrista.

Molim hrišćane da olako ne odbacuju ovu apsurdnu tvrdnju, jer će ovo postati apologetsko bojno polje o kojem će hrišćani biti primorani da znaju dosta u sledećih nekoliko godina. Ovo je to tlo na kojem bi i današnji hrišćanski "akademici" trebali da imaju otvorene uši kako bi dali dobro svedočanstvo. Mi moramo da razumemo da su argumenti koji se nude u Zeitgeist-u na oko vrlo ubedljivi onima koji su neobrazovani, i koji ne poznaju ni malo Bibliju, koji su "nevernici" - ateisti.

Pogledajmo neke od tvrdnji iz ovog filma...

Mitra - Isus Hrist

Tvrdi se da je Mitra iz Persije, bio rođen od device 25. decembra, da je imao 12 učenika i činio čudesa, a nakon svoje smrti da je bio je pokopan 3 dana a onda je vaskrsnuo, da se o njemu govorilo kao o "Istini", "Svetlu", i tome slično. Interesantno je da je sveti dan slavljenja Mitre bio nedelja.

Ovo je vrlo uglađena tvrdnja, i za neupućene verojatno vrlo ubedljiva. Međutim, ukoliko neko ne veruje u to da kamen može biti devica, onda je ovo čista laž. U priči o Mitri, on se rodio od kamena (stene), kao potpuno odrasli čovek, go, i u ruci je držao nož, baklju ili globus, zavisno o tome koju verziju priče čitate, jer ih ima više(?!).

Ko je napravio plagijat?

Drugo, uprkos tome koliko se često tvrdi da su paganski narodi slavili 25. decembar pre nego što su to hrišćani počeli da čine, istorijske činjenice nisu toliko jasne. Ono što znamo o kultu Mitre dolazi iz doba nakon Hristovog vremena, iz tog razloga osnovano je da se poveruje da je priča o Mitri posuđivala elemente iz hrišćanstva, a ne obrnuto.

Ko će verovatnije biti taj koji posuđuje od nekog drugog: misteriozna religija kojoj nedostaje bilo kakva čvrsta temeljna teologija, ili hrišćanska vera koja je nastala iz veoma čvrstih istorijskih (dokumentovanih), dogmatskih i jevrejskih korena?

(Iz)montirane sličnosti

Treće, u mitu o Mitri nema govora o tome da je on bio učitelj koji je imao svoje sledbenike, nego da je on bio jedan od bogova. U tom bi slučaju on imao više od 12 sledbenika, a "čudesa" ili natprirodna dela se podrazumevaju kada se govori o bogovima, i reći da je to paralela, ili čak čin "plagijata" od strane Biblije je vrlo nategnuta stvar... i pomalo sumnjiva.

A što se tiče navodne Mitrove smrti i vaskrsenja, za to ne postoje zapisani istorijski dokazi. Zeitgeist zaboravlja da je kult Mitre bio tajna religija koja je rasla u popularnosti većim delom u drugom i trećem veku nove ere. Njihovi tajni sastanci većinom su bili održavani po pećinama i retko se o njima diskutuje bez toga a da ih se ne okarakteriše kao "demonskim". Ričard Gordon (Richard Gordon), koji je primio doktorat na temu "Mitrizam u Rimskom Carstvu", naglašava u svome delu "Odraz i vrednost" kako u grčko-rimskom svetu nema zapisa o tome da je Mitra ikada umro, i tako na taj način negira mogućnost vaskrsenja.

Mnogi stručnjaci pretpostavljaju da kada bi se za Mitru reklo da je "Istina" ili "Svetlo" kako bi to ustvari bio ozbiljan čin prepisivanja (pozajmljivanja) iz hrišćanskih spisa, a ne obrnuto.

U Zaitgeist-u se puno vremena poklanja tome da se izokrene i mit o Horusu, bogu sunca, u priču o Isusu Hristu. Ističe se da Horus predstavlja dobrotu i svetlo, a bog tame po imenu Set, predstavlja tamu. Tvrdi se da je hrišćanstvo ukralo ovu ideju i tako stvorilo svoju verziju svetla i tame, ili Isusa protiv Sotone.

Neko bi mogao ljubazno da predloži kao odgovor ovoj besmislenoj ideji mogućnost da su možda drevni Egipćani bili pagani, i da su morali da smisle nešto da bi sebi objasnili zašto se loše stvari događaju, i zašto sunce izlazi i zalazi svake noći. Nigde se u priči o Horusu ne spominje spasenje nekih određenih ljudi ili oproštenje greha kao što je slučaj kroz žrtvu Božjeg Sina - Isusa Hrista. Ako ništa drugo, onda je priča o Horusu tužno priželjkivanje i priznavanje potrebe starih civilizacija da sebi stvore bogove, što sličnijeg istinskom Stvoritelju.

U Zeitgeistu se dalje spominju Atis i Dionis:

Atis iz Frigije, kojeg je 25. decembra rodila devica Nana, bio je razapet, stavljen u grob i da je nakon tri dana bio vaskrsnut.

Dionis iz Grčke, kojeg je 25. decembra rodila devica, bio je putujući učitelj koji je činio čudesa kao na primer pretvaranje vode u vino, i nazivalo ga se "Kraljem Kraljeva", "Božji jedinorođeni Sin", "Alfa i Omega", te mnogim drugim imenima, i nakon svoje smrti, on je bio vaskrsnut.

Ponovo se istorijska priča o Isusu Hristu učitala u ove mitske paganske priče. U mitu o Atisu, on se beznadežno zaljubio, kastrirao se, i umro. Deo priče gde je on vaskrsnut ne može se naći u zapisima sve do 150. godine nakon Hrista.

A što se tiče "vaskrsnuća" Dionisa, o tome se nikada nije pronašao nikakav istorijski zapis - jedino ako biste želeli ovo povezati sa njegovim rođenjem iz Zeusovog bedra i to nazvati "vaskrsnućem". Priče o navodnim bogovima koji umiru i ponovno oživljavaju nemaju ničeg zajedničkog sa spasenjem sveta, niti one donose mir; to su priče o ciklusima vegetacije, koje su se koristile da bi se učila deca kako će ona celog svog života zavisiti o tome da li će njihova porodica moći da uzgaja i prodaje letinu.

Svi ti stari mitovi i priče su samo nalik spomeniku našim vremenima, i sada kada nam je dostupno više informacija nego ikome pre u istoriji, nije moguće tako brutalno prekrajati istoriju kao što čini film Zeitgeist.

Treba li uopšte pominjati da je celo to manipulisanje oko datuma 25. decembra, veoma nebiblijsko, neistorijsko i van svake pameti. Vrlo dobro se zna poreklo ovog datuma, a i činjenica da Isus Hrist uopšte nije rođen na ovaj dan.

Ispiranje mozga zvano Zeitgeist

Pred kraj filma se govori o tome kako mediji služe za "ispiranje mozga" narodu. Sa ovim se zaista možemo složiti. Takođe, moramo da zaključimo da je i Zeitgeist film u istoj svrsi, jer manipuliše i izvrće istorijske činjenice o hrišćanstvu i Bibliji. On smelo od nekih činjenica pravi laž, u koju želi da gledalac poveruje. Na žalost mnogi će ovo progutati bez imalo kritičnog razmišljanja.

Na kraju filma Zeitgeist, daje se priča o uspostavljanju "Novog svetskog poretka", o stvaranju carstva sa jednom ekonomijom, jednom vojskom, jednom religijom, o čipovanju svih građana itd. Zeitgeist uopšte ne spominje da je Biblija ovo davno sama predvidela, opisala u detalje i upozorava na dolazak tog vremena.

Odakle, ili od koga god da Zeitgeist-isti dobavljaju svoje informacije, oni ih svakako ne dobijaju od stručnjaka, niti iz istorije ili istorijskih zapisa. Film kaže:
"Pomislili biste da bi čovek koji je ustao iz mrtvih i uzneo se na Nebo pred očima svih, i koji je činio veliki broj čudesa koja mu se pripisuju, verovatno bio ta osoba koja bi ušla u zapisanu istoriju. A to se nije dogodilo, jer jednom kada se odvežu činjenice, velika je verovatnoća da figura poznata kao Isus nije ni postojala".

Da bi se nešto ovakvo izreklo i verovalo, čovek zaista mora biti debelo neobrazovan ili van pameti.

Film Zeitgeist je zaista veoma uvredljiva izmišljotina, ne samo za hrišćansku veru, već i za akademske umove, i iz ugla stručnjaka je totalno smešna. Ironično je tada što će vas možda baš vaši profesori, prisilno hraniti ovim neutemeljenim tvrdnjama, da bi vas poslali na put ateizma.

Sveto Pravoslavlje
Sveto Pravoslavlje

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poneke sramotne ,,cinjenice,, u zeitgeistu Empty Re: poneke sramotne ,,cinjenice,, u zeitgeistu

Порука  Sveto Pravoslavlje 10th July 2010, 06:45

ko je i sta horus itd,egiptolozi govore i da ne duzim dalje ovo je cinjenica o horusu,a sada neka mi lepo neko nadje slicnosti sa Hristom,jer zeitgeist tvrdi da je horus rodjen od device,da je bio ,,krsten,, da je imao 12 ucenika,pa da su ga ubili i da je on vaskrsao jos samo neuki i neobrazovani kabala pion piter jozef nije lupio i da je horus govorio aramejski jezik...uglavnom sve ostalo je lupio.....nadjite mi slicnosti molimmmmm vas ljudi.....(sa onim sto zeitgeist govori o horusu i o horusu istorijskom)...hvala

Pyramid texts ca. the 25th Century BC describe the nature of the Pharaoh in different characters as both Horus and Osiris. The Pharaoh as Horus in life became the Pharaoh as Osiris in death, where he was united with the rest of the gods. New incarnations of Horus succeeded the deceased pharaoh on earth in the form of new pharaohs.

The lineage of Horus, the eventual product of unions between the children of Atum, may have been a means to explain and justify Pharaonic power; The Gods produced by Atum were all representative of cosmic and terrestrial forces in Egyptian life; by identifying Horus as the offspring of these forces, then identifying him with Atum himself, and finally identifying the Pharaoh with Horus, the Pharaoh theologically had dominion over all the world.

The notion of Horus as the Pharaoh seems to have been superseded by the concept of the Pharaoh as the son of Re during the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt.[4]
Origin mythology

Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis which was thrown into the Nile and eaten by a catfish,[5][6] and used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a gold phallus[7] to conceive her son. In another version of the story, Isis was impregnated by divine fire.[8] Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she fled to the Nile Delta marshlands to hide from her brother Set who jealously killed Osiris and who she knew would want to kill their son.[8] There Isis bore a divine son, Horus.
Mythological rolesrˁ-ḥr-3ḫty "Re-Harachte"
in hieroglyphs

Horus represented in relief with Wadjet and wearing the double crown - temple of Hatshepsut
Sky god

Horus depicted as a falcon

Since Horus was said to be the sky, he was considered to also contain the sun and moon. It became said that the sun was his right eye and the moon his left, and that they traversed the sky when he, a falcon, flew across it. Thus he became known as Harmerty - Horus of two eyes. Later, the reason that the moon was not as bright as the sun was explained by a tale, known as the contestings of Horus and Seth, originating as a metaphor for the conquest of Upper Egypt by Lower Egypt in about 3000 BC. In this tale, it was said that Set, the patron of Upper Egypt, and Horus, the patron of Lower Egypt, had battled for Egypt brutally, with neither side victorious, until eventually the gods sided with Horus (see below).

As Horus was the ultimate victor he became known as Harsiesis, Heru-ur or Har-Wer (ḥr.w wr 'Horus the Great'), but more usually translated as Horus the Elder. In the struggle Seth had lost a testicle, explaining why the desert, which Set represented, is infertile. Horus' left eye had also been gouged out, which explained why the moon, which it represented, was so weak compared to the sun.

It was also said that during a new-moon, Horus had become blinded and was titled Mekhenty-er-irty (mḫnty r ỉr.ty 'He who has no eyes'). When the moon became visible again, he was re-titled Khenty-irty (ḫnty r ỉr.ty 'He who has eyes').

Horus was occasionally shown in art as a naked boy with a finger in his mouth sitting on a lotus with his mother. In the form of a youth, Horus was referred to as Neferhor. This is also spelled Nefer Hor, Nephoros or Nopheros (nfr ḥr.w) meaning 'The Good Horus'.

Wedjat, eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power from deities, in this case from Horus or Ra. The symbol is seen on images of Horus' mother, Isis, and on other deities associated with her.

In the Egyptian language, the word for this symbol was "Wedjat".[9][10] It was the eye of one of the earliest of Egyptian deities, Wadjet, who later became associated with Bast, Mut, and Hathor as well. Wedjat was a solar deity and this symbol began as her eye, an all seeing eye. In early artwork, Hathor is also depicted with this eye.[11] Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Wedjat or Eye of Horus is "the central element" of seven "gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli" bracelets found on the mummy of Shoshenq II.[12] The Wedjat "was intended to protect the king [here] in the afterlife"[13] and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel.[14]
God of war and hunting
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Horus was also said to be a god of war and hunting. The Horus falcon is shown upon a standard on the predynastic Hunters Palette in the "lion hunt").

Thus he became a symbol of majesty and power as well as the model of the pharaohs.[15] The Pharaohs were said to be Horus in human form.

Furthermore Nemty, another war god, was later identified as Horus.[16]
Conqueror of Set

Horus was told by his mother, Isis, to protect the people of Egypt from Set, the god of the desert, who had killed his father Osiris.[17][18][19]

Horus had many battles with Set, not only to avenge his father, but to choose the rightful ruler of Egypt. In these battles, Horus came to be associated with Lower Egypt (where Horus was worshipped), and became its patron.

One scene stated how Horus was on the verge of killing Set; but his mother (and Set's sister), Isis, stopped him. Isis injured Horus, but eventually healed him.[20]

By the 19th dynasty, the enmity between Set and Horus, in which Horus had ripped off one of Set's testicles, was represented as a separate tale. According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Set's semen, then subsequently throws it in the river, so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus then deliberately spreads his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set's favorite food. After Set had eaten the lettuce, they went to the gods to try to settle the argument over the rule of Egypt. The gods first listened to Set's claim of dominance over Horus, and call his semen forth, but it answered from the river, invalidating his claim. Then, the gods listened to Horus' claim of having dominated Set, and call his semen forth, and it answered from inside Set.[21][22]

But still Set refused to relent, and the other gods were getting tired from over eighty years of fighting and challenges. Horus and Set challenged each other to a boat race, where they each raced in a boat made of stone. Horus and Set agreed, and the race started. But Horus had an edge: his boat was made of wood painted to resemble stone, rather than true stone. Set's boat, being made of heavy stone, sank, but Horus's did not. Horus then won the race, and Set stepped down and officially gave Horus the throne of Egypt.[20] But after the New Kingdom, Set still was considered Lord of the desert and its oases.[23]

This myth, along with others, could be seen as an explanation of how the two kingdoms of Egypt (Upper and Lower) came to be united. Horus was seen as the God of Lower Egypt, and Set as the God of Upper Egypt. In this myth, the respective Upper and Lower deities have a fight, through which Horus is the victor. However, some of Horus (representing Lower Egypt) enters into Set (Upper Egypt) thus explaining why Lower Egypt is dominant over Upper Egypt. Set's regions were then considered to be of the desert.

Shed is a deity, and is first recorded during the Amarna Period.[24] Representing the concept of salvation he is identified with Horus and in particular "Horus the Child".[25]

Shed can be depicted as a young prince overcoming snakes, lions and crocodiles.[26] David P. Silverman notes that late period representations of the young Horus slaying Set in the form of a crocodyle.

The rise of Horus names in personal piety during the Amarna period has been interpreted as the popular response of ordinary people to the attempts by Akhenaten to proscribe the ancient religion of Egypt. Shed has also been viewed as a form of the ancient Semitic god Reshef.

Heru-pa-khared (Horus the Younger)

Horus the Younger, Harpocrates to the Ptolemaic Greeks, is represented in the form of a youth wearing a lock of hair (a sign of youth) on the right of his head. In addition, he usually wears the united crowns of Egypt. He is a form of the rising sun, representing its earliest light.
Heru-ur (Horus the Elder)

Horus, (Louvre Museum), 'Shen rings' in his grasp

In this form he represented the god of light and the husband of Hathor. He was one of the oldest gods of ancient Egypt. He became the patron of Nekhen (Heirakonpolis) and the first national god (God of the Kingdom). Later, he also became the patron of the pharaohs, and was called the son of truth.[29] - signifying his role as an important upholder of Maat. He was seen as a great falcon with outstretched wings whose right eye was the sun and the left one was the moon. In this form, he was sometimes given the title Kemwer, meaning (the) great black (one).

The Greek form of Heru-ur (or Har wer) is Haroeris. Other variants include Hor Merti 'Horus of the two eyes' and Horkhenti Irti.
Sveto Pravoslavlje
Sveto Pravoslavlje

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